Tapestry part VI - Testing a WEB API


In this blog we will show how a WEB API created using Tapestry can be tested. Testing a web service is not straight forward as the PageTester, the default way of testing in Tapestry, doesn't allow for testing API. To overcome this difficulty we must start a Jetty server with custom/test web.xml. The test web.xml allows us to control the construction of objects. In this example we show how a mock service object can be inserted for testing, while using the full implementation for production.

This blog is part of a series of blogs on Tapestry that explains how to build a "simple" hello world example html page and expose the functionality of the page(s) via a WEB API. In a previous blog we showed how to setup a web API that responses in either XML or JSON. If you haven't read it yet, it's probably a good idea to have a look at this blog first before proceeding.

This blog picks things up from another previous blog in the series on testing page. The basic of testing a webpage generated with Tapestry are explained there. In this blog we will build on the code previously created.


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Tapestry - Part IV: Extended API using XML


In a previous blog in our Tapestry series we showed that Tapestry can be used as an API. While we would advice to do this only for simple cases, it could be a good solution if you wanted to offer Web API for your existing Tapestry application. If you were interested in a fully-fledged Web API with all the bells and whistles it would probably be better to use a separate framework.

In a previous blog we build an API returning JSON. This raises the question: is it also possible to return XML? The answer turns out to be yes!

In this blog we will show how to do so.


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Tapestry - Part II: Simple WEB API using Tapestry


In this blog we will show you how to extend your Tapestry projects with a simple API. If you have a big project and need complex calls to expose your API functions, then this approach is not for you. Instead, if you have a couple of functions you would like to expose, this is a quick and simple approach to get it done.


  • This tutorial uses Eclipse with Maven
  • This tutorial builds on previous blog

We consider a setup where a request to \\example.com\api should be replied with a JSON stream, where stream is just fancy way of saying text file. To do this in Java there are a few very good frameworks:

The last one is the easiest complete-integration framework for REST API that will work with Tapestry that we could find. However, if your have very simple requirements even the out-of-the-box frameworks might not be worth configuring. The alternative is to parse arguments during the rendering of a page and respond with XML or JSON. In this example we’ll show how to create an API for our hello-world application, which we build in our previous blog. Continue reading