Welcome to Ugly Duckling


Ugly Duckling is a consultancy specialized in quantitative finance. In particular, the main focus is on technical aspects, such as product modelling, custom tooling like prices, model validation, research and development.

Ugly Duckling does consulting, in many forms:
By providing custom-tailor solutions to clients in the financial sector who are eager to implement the latest technologies and academic developments into their systems. 
By delivering courses and teaching classes at any level, thanks to the coaching experience of its team members, ranging from pure and financial maths to code testing and implementation. 
By periodically organizing events and seminars where people come together to greet each other and to attend financial engineering talks while enjoying a glass of wine. 

The Ugly Duckling team members are known to be competent and reliable. People trust them because they have gained their trust through hard and passionate work.

Ugly Duckling works in team. This is made possible by the mixed skill set of our members, and we believe that only by sharing our knowledge can we reach excellent results.

We approach any new problem with enthusiasm, and we put all our energy into solving it, because we are problem-solvers and we view any obstacle as a challenge. Do you still need more reasons to contact us?



We build financial models. We do this both within the Ugly Duckling team and embedded in your organization. When building models we often use the existing Ugly Duckling code base and research. This makes the modeling faster and more efficient.


We love details. When given the chance, we deep dive into a model and validate its mathematical, financial and implementation details. We find it a rich experience to explore the models of others and learn from their approach. In most cases we contribute to make an even better model thanks to the feedback we provide as part of the process.


Ugly Duckling is dedicated to expand the body of mathematical finance knowledge. To do so we invest in a continuous research effort. These efforts keep us up-to-date on new developments in finance. Should you encounter a challenge for which no solution exists in the literature, please call us. We can help.