test driven development

Invite: Test Driven Development for Financial Engineers

Opening FEN Event - April 2014


Amsterdam - April 24 2014, 19:00 @ Mixtup

Financial Engineering Netherlands (FEN) is a community of specialists in software and in the financial sector that everybody can join and consult.

The aims of Financial Engineering Netherlands are

  • to bring together experts with similar passions, who are willing to improve themselves by sharing their knowledge with others, keeping the topics within the interest range of financial engineers, and hence including testing, programming, technology, finance, mathematical finance, etc. as subjects of discussion;
  • to create an intellectually stimulating and social environment, where people can discuss about trends, problems, progress and achievements in any of the above-mentioned fields, in order to find what really matters in our work and discover how we can improve ourselves in a collaborative way.

The events will be organised in a relaxed way, with an informal pre-event drink, followed by the real event, and another social drink at the end. The real event (normally) includes two talks, with a short break in between, given by speakers in the software or finance industry. In this sense, this opening evening will be an exception, having only one speaker for the two sessions, with the additional honour of welcoming the participants. Moreover, the social aspect of the event guarantees that the participants meet new people, thus creating a great opportunity to grow each other's network.

The very first event will be held on April 24 and the topic will be about

"Test Driven Development for Financial Engineers".

The host and speaker for the opening event will will be:

Michele Maio (Ugly Duckling B.V.)
Michele recently joined Ugly Duckling in the Finance department. He has a quantitative background (PhD in theoretical physics) and his current work in finance spans various technical aspects in quantitative finance, such as research and implementation of interest rate derivative and their associated risk and the construction of the Ugly Duckling Financial Library.

Michele will introduce the Financial Engineering Netherlands community to the audience and then will give two talks about technical -but relevant- aspects of financial engineering. Specifically, the topics will be: 

  • Session I: Test Driven Development in Unit-like frameworks
  • Session II: Test Automation and FitNesse

This will be a beginner's event, so no prior knowledge of financial engineering and/or testing will be required. 

Via the Meet-up website. Please register asap.
If you have already registered but you are not able to attend anymore, please let us know.

Space-time Coordinates
Mixtup, Ferdinand Bolstraat 8, 1072 LJ Amsterdam (map).  Doors open at 19:00.

Read here about how the opening night was, with slides of the talks.