Programming in finance

Interpolation methods and the Hagan-West paper

Interpolation is a very useful technique for extracting data when the available information does not come in a continuous form.

From a non-technical point of view, any inference or decision process (sometimes subconsciously) is based on a kind of interpolation or best fitting or regression of the available informations. We as people are normally quite good at generalising (often too fast) from the little amount of information that we have about other people, situations, or even numerical data. This is possible because our brain can recognise patterns and see trends in any kind of data. However, technically speaking, interpolation is more that just finding a trend.

Technically, we are often given a discrete set of data corresponding to a certain function which is known at specific points, or nodes (for example, we have made an experiment for specific input values and measured the outputs  corresponding to that input), and is otherwise unknown.  In principle this is a multi-dimensional problem, and the interpolating hyper-surface will give an idea of the missing information. In fact, even if it is true that such a hyper-surface can always be numerically constructed,  however the uniqueness issue remains. Given the same input data, many different constructions can be engineered, all satisfying to various -more or less realistic- criteria, and all passing through the same input points. Continue reading

UD Fin Lib

Ugly Duckling Finance is currently working on its financial library, UDFinLib. UDFinLib will appear soon and will be advertised on this blog and website. Everybody interested is therefore invited to come back later when it will be ready to use. In this blog post I would like to anticipate some of the features of the library.

The library comes in two parts: the core and the Excel Add-in. Continue reading

Test Driven Development for Financial Engineers

On the evening of last April 24th at the Ugly Duckling office in Amsterdam we celebrated the birth of our new series of events for financial engineers. We called it Financial Engineering Netherlands, and we hope we will create a community of specialists that everybody can join and consult.

The aims of Financial Engineering Netherlands are

  • to bring together experts with similar passions, who are willing to improve themselves by sharing their knowledge with others, keeping the topics within the interest range of financial engineers, and hence including testing, programming, technology, finance, mathematical finance, etc. as subjects of discussion;
  • to create an intellectually stimulating and social environment, where people can discuss about trends, problems, progress and achievements in any of the above-mentioned fields, in order to find what really matters in our work and discover how we can improve ourselves in a collaborative way.

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Option pricing with Black-Scholes

Black, Scholes and Merton’s famous option price formula wasn’t a new discovery, as shown in the next section. The formula was well know at the time and widely used in the option market. Often it is noted that option trading took off after the publication of the Black-Scholes formula, but this simply is not true... however, the reverse is. In 1973 the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) opened for business as the first option exchange in the world, making options widely available. This and the introduction of handheld calculators, to do the necessary computations for Black and Scholes, made the formula a success. The formula may not have been a break through, but the way it was derived certainly was. Using the risk free portfolio was the step that made the known formula acceptable to academia. The derivation of the formula is the topic of this note based on research I did for a class on derivatives. Continue reading

Optimal hedge ratio

One of the most interesting things about financial engineering is that it’s not just another domain.  On top of all the problems associated software engineering, financial engineers also have to deal with the problems of their traditional home ground.  I.e. have to fix real financial problems.

To find to optimal hedging ratio involves a couple of steps. Next week I want to take my students  through the motions. To demonstrate the effect correlation of the underlying assets has on a hedging strategy a stylised model is considered. Therefore I thought it would be worth to write up my notes and stick it on the website.

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